The lawyers of van Ardenne & Crince le Roy offer leading specialists in the fields of administrative law, criminal law, sanctions- and disciplinary law and (governmental) liability law. A comprehensive introduction.
Robert Crince le Roy
Robert has an extensive advisory- and litigation practice with apparent complex administrative relations and interests. Robert is interested in the role of the government in legal affairs, both from an administrative and a civil law perspective.
The field of law in which public and private law come together, also has his interest. Together with Remko Wijling, Robert also provides assistance in (internal) investigations.
Amongst his clients are governments, semi-governments, institutions, enterprises and individuals.
Robert was President of the Rotterdam Bar Association from 2009 until 2011 and Dean of the Netherlands Bar Association from 2022 until August 2024. Hence disciplinary law also has his interest.
Robert is a member of the Association for Practitioners of Environmental Law and the Association for Practitioners of Construction Law.
+31 (0)10 7410650
+31 (0)6 51528320
Frank van Ardenne
Frank is specialized in criminal law and law enforcement. His practice is mainly focussed on corporate criminal law. He represents both enterprises and individuals suspected of criminal offences such as (bankruptcy) fraud, money laundering, bribery, forgery, corruption, industrial accidents and environmental crimes. Frank has often been approached to assist in financial criminal cases and calamities in the harbour industry and construction industry.
Frank has been an active member of the Dutch Bar Association. Hence Frank also has knowledge and experience in the field of disciplinary procedures. Frank has assisted lawyers, civil-law notaries, tax-consultants and accountants. In addition, Frank is a member of the Board of Discipline The Hague and teacher/assessor of the professional training for lawyers (Beroepsopleiding Advocaten).
Other than criminal and disciplinary proceedings, Frank is also interested in compliance, crisis management and media training.
Frank is a member of the Dutch Bar Association for Criminal Lawyers and the Dutch Bar Association for Disciplinary Lawyers.
+31 (0)10 7410650
+31 (0)6 20430213
Remko Wijling
Remko has an extensive administrative advisory- and litigation practice. His particular area of interest is the government in its enforcing capacity and the impact this has on enterprises, institutions and private individuals as well as the significant interests at stake.
Remko has often provided assistance in the field of administrative fines, administrative enforcement and -supervision, permit application procedures, site allocation plans and environmental issues. Together with Robert Crince le Roy, Remko also provides assistance in (internal) investigations.
Amongst his clients are governments, semi-governments, institutions, enterprises and individuals.
Remko is also a deputy judge in administrative cases at the District Court in The Hague. Remko frequently gives lectures on topics that arise from his practice. Remko has been Chairman of the Committee of Appeal of the Netherlands Handball Association.
+31 (0)10 7410650
+31 (0)6 19637912
Olga de Vries
Olga is interested in the role of the government in legal affairs, in particular the way in which the government shares information (Public Access to Government Information Act). As a former lawyer at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports, she gained extensive experience in this field.
Olga is also interested in the tension between industrial activities and the environment, for example issues involving Poly- and Perfluoralkyl substances (PFAS) and Nitrogen emission. Olga provides legal assistance in this field and gives lectures on this topic.
Olga assists both governments as well as individuals in administrative and environmental cases.
+31 (0)10 7410650
+31 (0)6 12030687
Laura Hinrichs
Laura is specialized in criminal law and law enforcement. After the honours bachelor programme Utrecht Law College at Utrecht University, she graduated in Criminal Law at Utrecht University and in Forensics, Criminology and Criminal Justice at Maastricht University. In Utrecht, Laura participated in the honours master programme. In addition to her studies, Laura has done internships at leading law firms and at the Public Prosecution Office. Laura has worked as a volunteer to provide legal advice to detainees and as a judge’s clerk at the District Court of Utrecht in criminal cases. Laura has also conducted research on a Cold Case at Maastricht University. Laura was one of the authors of the Dutch report on the implementation of the Victims Directive (2012/29/ EU) in the context of the European project ‘Vociare’.
Laura has gained experience in a wide variety of criminal cases and is familiar with the Economic Offenses Act (WED), the General State Taxes Act (Awr) and the Financial Supervision Act (Wft). Next to her assistance at Van Ardenne & Crince le Roy Advocaten, Laura was also for two years a member of the Executive Board of the Young Bar Association.
+31 (0)10 7410650
Ruben Nijk-Siebert
Ruben is particularly interested in the way administrative law, criminal law and civil law congregate. Within this congregation, fundamental rights and constitutional principles have his special attention. He is also especially interested in the interaction between companies and society. Because of this Ruben is mainly involved in administrative- and criminal cases that need constitutional or civil specification. Because Ruben has broad international experience, he also offers his expertise in cases with an international element.
After his studies in Dutch Law at Utrecht Law College, Ruben also studied Law at the University of Cambridge (UK). During his studies, he gained experience within the (commercial) bar. He mainly focussed on the legality of criminal governmental intervention, the (constitutional) accuracy of administrative governmental intervention and transnational civil practice. Because Ruben has been a member of the Council of Discipline at the University of Cambridge, he also has experience with disciplinary law.
Ruben is an attorney-at-law at Van Ardenne & Crince le Roy Advocaten
+31 (0)10 7410650
Esther van Brandwijk
Legal advisor
+31 (0)10 7410650
+31 (0)6 10953741

Sarah Karsten
Legal advisor
+31 (0)10 7410650
+31 (0)6 12178899
Casper Jongsma
Casper has gained over twenty years of experience as a criminal defence lawyer. Due to illness, Casper had to decide to discontinue his practice. At Van Ardenne & Crince le Roy Advocaten, Casper is working towards his return. Casper provides legal advise at Van Ardenne & Crince le Roy Advocaten in complex corporate criminal cases and investigations. Casper is an important consultation figure to our younger colleagues.
+31 (0)10 7410650

Isabelle Dyckerhoff
Büderich 1959